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Augustus Suglia, A.I.A.

382 Church Avenue
Cedarhurst, L. I., N. Y. 11516
516-569-4241 or
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Home Improvement 4024-Extend your home by adding an extra room and a lavatory. If you need a family room, build this extension at back behind kitchen or dining room, eliminating the common wall between to develop an open plan. If you need more sleeping space, add the extension, which can be reversed, to the bedroom wing.


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Home Improvement 4026-This wood patio with its trellis roof can either be attached to the back of your house or be built independently in the rear yard. The trellis roof provides filtered shade. The entire structure suggests an enclosure while remaining open. Built -in benches stretch along each side. Use redwood or cedar for the patio, which is 16 feet by 12 feet. Height is 8 feet from floor to underside of roof.


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Home Improvements 0982-Mudroom can be built as an addition to any type of house. The unit includes a half bath and space for washer-dryer laundry and closet. Mudroom becomes energy saver because it acts as an 'air lock' between inside door and outside. It projects out from the house 7'-0" and is 9'-6" wide. It can be built on concrete slab for economy.




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Home Improvement 1277-Build yourself a 10 feet by 12 feet outdoor living room that's screened in so you can enjoy it, but insects can't. Shingle roof is louvered at each end, making a shady, airy summer retreat.


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