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Augustus Suglia, A.I.A.
382 Church Avenue
Cedarhurst, L. I., N. Y. 11516
516-569-4241 or
e-mail us


A-Frame Homes

House Plans # 5133 Square Footage- 600 1st Floor, 533 2nd Floor
Total 1,133 square footage
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House Plan # 5133 -The solar collector is built into the entire side of this A-frame house and must face "south". Note: This area is usually lost space in A-frame construction.

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House Design # 5133 has a living room, kitchen-dining room, bath, two bedrooms, and a foyer, totaling 1,133 square feet of living area. The overall dimensions are 33 feet, 4 inches by 27 feet, 8 inches. Built on a concrete slab, it's designed for economy. All lumber is sized for minimum cutting, minimum waste. Solar collector stores excess heat in water drums (to avoid overheating and provide heat for night and cloudy days). Collector must be built facing south. Wood-burning fireplace supplies circulating hot air with built-in ducts which may be funneled into all rooms.


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