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Augustus Suglia, A.I.A.
382 Church Avenue
Cedarhurst, L. I., N. Y. 11516
516-569-4241 or
e-mail us


Tudor Homes

House Plan # 5129 Square Footage- 1,563 1st Floor, 1,394 2nd Floor
Total 2,957 square footage
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House Plan # 5129 -This spacious English Tudor home has a family room, which adjoins the kitchen and features an oversized fireplace with a built-in barbecue.

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House Design # 5129 has a living room, dining room, den, family room, kitchen, utility room with full shower bath, four bedrooms, two baths, a sitting room (or additional bedroom) with a fireplace, and a foyer, totaling 2,957 square feet of habitable space. A special feature is the separate stair from the utility area, which leads to the multi-purpose area above the garage and can be used as an art studio, office, maid's quarters, in-law apartment, or teen-age recreation room. The overall dimensions are 77 feet, 10 inches by 30 feet, 6 inches. There is a two-car garage and a full basement.


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